Apostle Arturo Rangel Mottos


The Holy Spirit has had different manifestations in different men at different times. So be understood that the future events unknown to you are as certain as the former.


Christian heroism consists in raising Christ. Bowing to the imposition is an act of cowardice. The brave will inherit the kingdom of heaven.


The greatest trials lavished greatest blessings. Do not refuse them when you meet them: they make a test of your spiritual life and let you know if you have access to heaven. The test will make the test.


Every new year that appears in the Christian pilgrimage, is a link in our chain of effort. Avoid breaking it. Give your mettle to reach the proper consistency to bind to the next.


When you see obstacles and opposition in your way, say, an approaching triumph. The greatest battles are critical hours obliged to use all reserves. Use yours to seize triumph, that is the crowning of your aspirations.